For Times When I Can't Be There
To Give You A Hug

Or To Let You Know I Care
When You're Feeling A Little Bummed
I've Requested That The Hugging Angel
Find It's Way To You

To Do A Special Deed For Me
That I'm Too Far Away To Do

So If You Feel The Flutter
Of An Angel's Wing
Brush You On The Shoulder

Don't Be Alarmed
Just Remember
It's A Special Hug From Me

"We're alike you and I
And we need each other.
Don't turn away but give me your hand
And for a time we can cease to be strangers.
And become who we truly are,
A family closer than blood.
United by a bond that was forced upon us--
But a bond that can make us stronger,
Still wounded and not sure,
But stronger because our sorrows are shared."
~ By Judy Dickey ~